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HARSH NARAYAN "Dhanruvadya" (Digital Download)

Cover - Harsh Narayan TR111 (internet) .jpg
Cover - Harsh Narayan TR111 (internet) .jpg

HARSH NARAYAN "Dhanruvadya" (Digital Download)


HARSH NARAYAN - Dhanurvadya TR111 (listen to samples below)

Digital Download - High Definition MP3s  - Download includes Album Cover & Booklet

Harsh Narayan (sarangi)
Ty Burhoe (tabla)
Cynthia Scherer (tambura)

1) Raag Gujari Todi Alap / Taans / Ektal (12 beats)

2) Raag Madhuvanti Alap / Taans / Tintal (16 beats)

3) Raag Shree Alap / Taans / Drut Jhaptal (fast 10 beats)

Check out these beautiful film clips, courtesy of The Biryani Boys:
Raag Yaman - Click Here
Raag Madhuvanti / Saraswati / Interview -  Click Here
Raag Mishra Pilu - Click Here

About The Music

The very first time I found myself being drawn into classical Indian music was in 1988 while attending a world music class at Naropa University in Boulder Colorado. I remember feeling an upwelling of inspiration upon hearing Pandit Ram Narayan playing the sarangi. It influenced my dreams and drew me into a love affair with Indian music which brought me to the LP recordings of Ustad Ali Akbar Khan and ultimately to meeting my Guru, Ustad Zakir Hussain.

During my many years of helping Zakir Hussain with his tours, I met and began casually learning the sarangi with Ustad Sultan Khan. Undoubtedly a dream come true to be immersed in such divine company and the sublime music of sarangi and tabla.

Fast forward a couple of decades, two of my tabla students, Camillo Scherer and Jamie Kostura, who began also studying sarangi, told me about their sarangi teacher whose name was Harsh Narayan. I was pleasantly surprised to realize that this was actually the grandson of my initial inspirational guide into this musical universe, Pandit Ram Narayan. So it was not at all a surprise that when we first met on a plane headed towards our first concert together in Santa Cruz California, our connection and friendship was immediate. 

We recorded this album in my mountain studio (up at 8,000 ft) outside of Boulder Colorado. We recorded one Raag per day and made sure we took inspiration from the beautiful views, deep quiet, and energies of nature that are so strong up in the mountains. 

We hope you enjoy!

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